Become who you would want to be or who you are, is all you will become.
STAE Creative is a creative agency that specialises in design, content writing, social media management, website development & maintenance, as well as video creation and all things SPECTACULAR for your organisation.
About Us
We value: Quality & Excellence Effective Branding Significance & Purpose
Empowering people who wants to enhance their brand, design or social media. STAE provides innovative strategies and creative initiatives to help brands achieve their goals.
Our Team
Awandie Els
Co-founder & Art Director
Awandie takes lead as one of the best designers in the business. She has changed numerous brands by high level design, creative management and exclusive branding. In the world of design, she is a force to be reckoned with.
Stephan Nel
Co-Founder & Creative Director
STAE’s branding philosophy is to ‘become who you would want to be, or who you are is all you will become’.
CI & Branding
Corporate Identity and branding is the footprint of every business, its the ‘face’, ‘voice’, and ‘personality’ of each brand. At STAE, we approach each brand with that in mind.
Social Media Management
We are living in an age where we could be connected to anyone, at anytime, anywhere in the world. You are one connection away from your biggest breakthrough.
Project Management
Creation to execution. We drive the process, making sure goals, objective, deadlines and all elements are executed, managed and completed.
View our world renowned projects
Share in our creative projects We have worked on some really cool stuff. Each client and project owns a piece of our heart and we proud ourselves in every one.
Fitusion Web Application
In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly.
Fitusion Web Application
In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly.
Fitusion Web Application
In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly.
Fitusion Web Application
In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly.
We would like to get to know you and your brand.
Connect us to you by completing this questionaire. This will help you to get ideas and words for the dreams you might have about your brand, but also to help us understand, help and empower you to reach that dream and goals.
Telephone number: 071 352 6295